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In Production and development

Most of our productions is for TV.  Mainly for Norwegian broadcasters,  but several productions have been sold on the international market, and have received internasjonal rewards.
Seven Steps To Mercy
Director Jørgen Friberg
Release spring 2015

We first heard about Petter Amundsen, an organist in Oslo, in 2003. He told us he had discovered ciphers in Shakespeare’s first folio. Ciphers supporting the theories stating  that Shakespeare was not the writer. The ciphers also uncovered a treasure map leading to Oak Island, also known as the “Treasure Island”, in Canada.


Amundsens work was extremely thorough, based on cipher systems published before 1600 AC. At that time no scholar would listen to him.  In 2009 we released a four part TV series on NRK, after that more and more people started to listen to what he had to say.

In recent years there has been a massive influx of conspiracy theories around the world. Post 9.11, Da Vinci-code and not least the rise of the internet has seen an invasion highly speculative ideas, with little, or no root in science or the general perception of truth. The theories are often fronted by people who are on the outside the academic establishment.

So, what makes this “highly speculative conspiracy theory” from a person outside the scientific circles” more credible than all others?

This film would not have been made if it didn’t have a growing support from people within academic establishment.  Since the first discoveries were made in 2003, a number of experts from different fields of sciences have been scrutinizing the evidence put forward. So far, has no one been able to pull it apart and disprove the theory. Not a single person has bluntly discarded the findings as irrelevant. In fact, the theory has grown steadily, with more people joining the search, also within the scientific establishment itself. A growing number of “qualified” people with experience from Cryptology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences as a whole are now studying this secret language of steganography.


Studio Timbuktu
Director Erlen Hein Lange
Release autumn 2014

I det fattige landet Senegal i Vest-Afrika er ytringsfriheten begrenset, spesielt for barn og ungdom. Gjennom en levende hip hop-kultur forsøker mange unge å mane til endringer i samfunnet, men hvordan skal de nå ut med budskapet sitt? Den svenske rapperen Timbuktu dukker opp med en idé som kan hjelpe dem mot målet, men planen krever også stor innsats fra ungdommene selv.




Svenske Jason Diakité, bedre kjent som rapperen Timbuktu, har markert seg som en av Skandinavias mest relevante artister gjennom en årrekke. Han har hele tiden hatt et sterkt sosialt engasjement i det han gjør, spesielt for Afrika hvor han har sine røtter, men samtidig opplever han det som lite tilfredsstillende å bare "reise dit, klappe noen fattige barn på hodet, spille en låt og dra igjen".


Jason ønsker å bidra med noe han kan, og skape noe av mer varig karakter. Sammen med Plan Norge utvikler han derfor på rekordtid ideen om å bygge et studio for unge talenter i storbyslummen i Dakar. Studioet skal bli et sted der han selv vil være til stede og undervise og inspirere. Ideen er at dette skal være mye mer enn en fritidsklubb for fattige: Jason vil at det faktisk skal skapes musikk der, og endatil musikk med mening.

Women fighting for change 1
Behind the Veils

Director: Gry Winther

Released 2015

Quantrill Riders

Director: Hans Aage Hansen


Quantrill Riders var opprinnelig en geriljagjeng på flere hundre mann som sloss for sørstatene. Flere av de kjente western-legendene startet sin løpebane her. Nå er de gjenoppstått på Løten og klubben har tjue aktive medlemmer



I Westernskyting forenes seriøs skytesport, rollespill og interesse for “den amerikanske ville vesten” fra tidsperioden 1840 til 1900. Det finnes i dag over hundre tusen registrerte medlemmer som kommer fra atten land og hele usa.

Deltagerne bruker våpen eller kopier av våpen og de kler seg i mer eller mindre tidsriktige kostymer. Sistnevne betinges av den enkeltes interesseområde der også rollefigurer fra film og TV inngår.  Skytterne bruker også alias med bakgrunn i den rollen utøveren velger. Det kan være historiske person, personer fra film/TV eller fri fantasi.


Norge er delt inn i fem territorier fordelt på 17 aktive klubber. Det arrangeres ca 15 western shooting stevner i Norge og Sverige i løpet av året. Hovedkarakteren vi følger er fra Quantrill Riders på Løten. 

Dreaming the Future

Director: Jørgen Friberg

In development

Six nights a week Nobrega da Luz claims he has precognitive dreams. Some predictions have such an astonishing precision that it has made scientists baffle and made governments act. But is he really a man with a God given gift, or is he just another a sophisticated fraud and an illusionist. The mainstream scientific community does not accept precognition, largely because the phenomenon goes against established principles of science. But still some serious scientists say they have proven that precognitive dreams happen. The main character is open minded, and yet an extremely sceptical protagonist. In a detective-style quest, he sets out in a journey to scrutinize Jucelino’s predictions 

In a country perceived by most as one of the worst in which to be a woman, a debate is taking place:  “Behind the veils in Saudi Arabia “ examines the battle between influential Saudi women over their future role in the Kingdom, as seen through five female pioneers - on opposite sides of the debate.

Women fighting for change 2

Director: Gry Winther


Released 2015

“Dear Shuhra and Shaharazad”

“Today I am going on political business to Faizabad and Darwaz. I hope I will come back soon and see you again, but I have to say that perhaps I will not.

There have been threats to kill me on this trip. Maybe this time these people will be successful in doing that. As your mother it causes me such bitter pain to tell you this.  But please understand I would willingly sacrifice my life if it meant a peaceful Afghanistan, and a better future for the children of this country.”


This is the beginning of a letter Fawzia Koofi wrote to her children, later published in her biography;  “The favoured daughter – One womans fight to lead Afghanistan into the future.”


Fawzia Koofi, was the first female deputy speaker of the Afghan Parliament.

She was born as the 19th child of her father, from a well-known political family, but where women had no say. She represents Badakshan province, one of the poorest provinces in Afghanistan, where she herself was born. Fawzia Koofi’s life story reflects Afghanistans history; a childhood during the Soviets rule, teenage years during the civil war, a mother forced to wear a burka during the Taliban rule - and today she is a prominent politician in a country with an uncertain future.

She is only 36 years old, a single mom, after her husband died as a result of imprisonment during the Taliban.


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